

  BUILDING DRAWING ASSIGNMENT The sketch below shows the floor plan of a twin three-bedroom bungalow in the line diagram. Study the given specifications and answer the questions that follow: FOUNDATION:          675 x 225 concrete strip foundation at a depth of 800 from ground level. FLOOR:                       200 hardcore; 150 thick concrete floor; 25 cement sand screed. WALL:                          All walls are 225 hollow sandcrete blocks with 12 renderings on both sides. LINTEL:                       225 x 225 reinforced concrete. DOOR:                          All doors are flush wooden. D – 2100 x 900 x 38 in 100 x 50 timber frame. WINDOWS:                  All windows are sliding-glazed sash in aluminium frames.                                                   W1 – 800 x 500;                                                                                    W2 – 1200 x 1100. ROOF: 30 double pitch with 13 corrugated asbestos sheet;                   Rafter – 100 x 50 at 1200


FLOOR PLAN AND FRONT ELEVATION OF A BUILDING USING GABLE ROOF FREEHAND DRAWING (Further assignment/Practice) Attempt the following question on Freehand drawing sketch the following using freehand. 1. Spade 2. shovel 3. 6 different types of hammer 4. Hand trowel 5. Bradawl 6. Headpan 7. Chisel 8. Spanner 9. Pick ax 10. Pan head rivet pin 11. Snap head rivet pin 12. Split pin and taper pin.  


  FREEHAND ASSIGNMENT 1.  1.        The orthographic views of a block are shown in the figure below.  Sketch approximately full size, the isometric view of the block, with point K the lowest. 2.       Two views of a block are given in the first angle projection as shown in the figure below.  Sketch approximately full size, the isometric view of the block, with point X the lowest. 333.        The figure below shows two views of a block drawn in a first-angle orthographic projection.  Make a freehand pictorial sketch of the block, making X the lowest point. 4. The figure above shows the elevation and plan of a wooden block in the first angle projection.  Sketch approximately full size, the isometric view of the block making X the lowest point.


    DETAILS OF PARTS OF A BUILDING: WALL, OPENINGS (ARCH), LINTEL, DOOR AND WINDOW. WALL A wall is a continuous vertically framed or solid structure usually of blocks, stone, concrete, timber or metal, thin or proportional to its length and height. FUNCTIONS OF WALLS 1. It encloses and protects a building. 2. It divides a building into compartments and rooms. 3. It bears the roof's load and transmits it to the foundation. 4. It protects the occupants of a building against wind, rain, and unfavorable weather conditions. TYPES OF WALLS 1. Load-bearing walls: These can be internal or external that transmit the roof's load to the foundation. 2. non-load-bearing walls: These are internal partition walls that divide the building into rooms but do not carry any load. OPENINGS IN WALLS . Opening in a wall is that part of the wall that is not covered with walling material. It is allowed to provide for windows, doors, and ventilation spaces. It is spanned on top by a lintel. LINTEL The l


   HOW TO CONSTRUCT AN ELLIPSE USING THE FOCAL POINT/INTERSECTING ARC METHOD i. Draw the major axis AB (80mm) ii.  Bisect AB at P and mark CD equals the minor axis (50mm) iii. With center C  and radius AP, mark F1 and F2. iv. From F1 mark 1,2,3 and 4 at any equal spacing towards the center P. v. With centers F1 and F2, radius A1, and B1 draw arcs to intersect at 1 in each of the four-quadrant. Repeat with points 2-4 to get points 2-4. vi. Join all the intersecting points with a curve to give the required ellipse. COUNT AND LEAVE 12 LINES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION. SPECIAL CURVE HOW TO CONSTRUCT A CYCLOID WITH A TANGENT AT A POINT ON THE CYCLOID. i. Draw the circle and divide it into 12 equal parts. ii. Draw horizontal lines from each point 1,2,3...12 iii. From 0 with radius 0-1 step off 12 equal division 1,2,3...12 iv. Erect perpendicular from each point 1,2,3...12 to intersect the center line of the circle at C1, C2, C3...C12 v. With center C1, C2, C3...C12 and radius OC, construct circles


  SENIOR SCHOOL THREE  CHECK OUT THE OBJECTIVE TEST QUESTIONS OF W.A.S.S.E.C OF 2020 P.C 2 AND ANSWER. GIVE IT A TRY! Copy the link below into your browser and begin the journey to excellence


 HOLIDAY ASSGNMENT SENIOR SECONDARY  YEAR 2 TOPIC: CONVERTING ISOMETRIC VIEWS TO ORTHOGRAPHIC As explained in class during the second term, orthographic projection is the representation of 3-Dimensional view in 2-Dimensions. for further study on orthographic Projection click the link below: Creating an Orthographic Projection ( After studying from the given link above, download the PDF file for the assignment in the link below. Attempt the questions marked ED-U-II/N2 to ED-U-II/N11 (10 Questions). Happy Holiday!

Technology advances life

  Technology advances life in every sphere. It is not sufficient to dream big but take active steps at making your dream a reality. This Blog shall be used extensively for learning activities in Technical drawing. It shall contain reviews of work done in class, assignments and videos to show how images and Geometrical constructions are done. It shall contain e-books from which you can learn more beyond what was done in class. Once again welcome on-board. Technical Drawing is divided into the following areas Plane Geometry Solid Geometry Building drawing and Mechanical drawing. TOPICS UNDER PLANE GEOMETRY Introduction to Technical Drawing Drawing instrument and materials Drawing Board Practice Safe working habits Lines and line work Angles Triangles Circles Circles and Triangles - Inscribe, circumscribe and escribe circles Quadrilaterals Polygons Hedrons - Icosahedron, Tetrahedron etc TOPICS UNDER SOLID GEOMETRY INCLUDES Development of Geometrical solids True shape of sections of geomet